- December 1, 2018: Dr. Li An was invited to give a colloquium at the Geography and Environment Forum annually held at Peking University (PKU). His colloquium was entitled "Understanding and envisioning complex human-environment systems: A multi-scale integrated approach", which was attended by students and faculty from PKU (mostly College of Urban and Environmental Sciences or CUES) and visitors from the whole country (China). Dr. An also joined the lunch reception hosted by CUES leaders
- November 3, 2018: Dr. Li An was invited to give a colloquium entitled “Spatial spillover effects and policy coordination” at Peking University. The colloquium was part of at Modernization of Spatial Governance Forum held at School of Government, Peking University.
- November 2, 2018: Dr. Li An was invited to give a second seminar entitled “Agent-based models in social and human-environment sciences: Achievements, challenges, and policy implications” at Peking University. The seminar was part of the Overseas Scholar Program at Peking University.
- October 26, 2018: Dr. Li An was invited to give a seminar entitled “Understanding and envisioning complex human-environment systems: A multi-scale integrated approach” at Peking University. The seminar was part of the Overseas Scholar Program at Peking University.
- September 18, 2018: SDSU president Adela de la Torre, interim Provost Joseph Johnson, and College of Arts and Letters Dean Norma Bouchard congratulated Dr. Li An and team on the recently awarded grant. Also congresswoman Susan Davis' office sent a message to congratulate Dr. Li An and team.
"Congratulations!!! This is fabulous news. We are so proud of this important NSF award."
"Congratulations on this impressive accomplishment! We look forward to supporting this important scholarly endeavor."
"Am so happy for you and your team!! Congratulations! This is absolutely terrific news. I am humbled and honored to part of your continued success. You make the College and SDSU so proud. I am copying Steve, the Provost, and the President. Am sure they will be delighted to hear."
"Thank you for your tremendous efforts. I extend by best wishes to you all. You will receive a letter shortly explaining the details of your grant. Please let us know Congresswoman Davis and myself can be of assistance."
- September 16, 2018: Dr. Li An was invited,as alumni representative, to give a speech at the 2018 openning ceremoney of the College of Urban and Environment Sciences (CUES) at Peking University. During the ceremony in the afternoon of September 16, 2018, Prof Liu Gengnian, representative of CUES, presented gifts to Dr. An. Here is his speech in PDF.
- September 14, 2018: Dr. Li An was invited to give a colloquium at the Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His talk is entitled "Understanding and envisioning complex human-environment systems: A Multi-scale integrated approach". The colloquium was well attended with many great questions. The slides can be found here.
- September 12, 2018: Dr. Li An (PI) and his team have received an official notice from NSF: The proposal entitled "CNH-L: People, Place, and Payments in Complex Human-Environment Systems" has been funded! The award is $1.45 million from 2018 to 2022, which explores complex interactions among multiple PES programs implemented at same sites or contracted to same stakeholders. This new award builds upon the recently wrapped-up CNH project entitled "Impacts of Ecosystem Service Payments in Coupled Natural and Human Systems" (PI: Dr. Li An; 2012-2017).
- August 16, 2018: Welcome new PhD student Huijie Zhang to San Diego! Huijie received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from Huazhong Agricultural University (China) in 2011 and 2014, respectively. She received her second M.S. degree in Applied Ecology from Stony Brook Univerisity in 2017. With experience in programming and statistical modeling, Huijie intends to "pursue advanced research in quantitative environmental science", and may work on modeling complex human-environment systems. Welcome also to join the CHES group!
- August 13, 2018: CHES member Judy mak successfully defended her thesis entitled "Agent-Based Modeling of Rhinopithecus Brelichi Population and Movements in the Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve" on August 13, 2018. The thesis committee members (Rebecca Lewison, Nara, and An) were unanimous in their decision and commended Judy for her great work. Congratulations Judy!
- May 14, 2018: Drs. Li An, Volker Grimm, Billie L. Turner II, and Robert Axtell proposed to launch a special issue entitled “Meeting Grand Challenges in Agent-based Complex Systems” at The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS). JASSS Editor-in-Chief Dr. Flaminio Squazzoni and the editorial board approved the special issue proposal. More detail is posted at this site.
May 10, 2018: Dr. Li An was selected as recipient of the Excellence in Research Award at the College of Arts and Letters, San Diego State University. The award is given annually to one faculty member who manitains an execellent record of "research activity, quality of publishing venues, grants and/or awards, and national and international impact and reputation". Dr. Li An received his Excellence in Research Award certificate from Dr. Norma Bouchard, Dean of the SDSU College of Arts and Letters. The award was presented in the college wide reception during 11 am and 1 pm on May 10, 2018, in which department chairs, directors, CAL faculty, and staff at Dean's office attended.
- April 27, 2018: Congratulations to Jie Dai and Alexandra (Ali) Yost! Jie was recipient of the William & Vivian Finch award for remote sensing, and Ali the Alvena Storm Memorial Scholarship in this academic year. Around 50 faculty, staff, students, allumni, family members, and friends of SDSU Geography attended the award ceremony.
- March 26, 2018: Dr. Li An went to China on March 26, and returned on April 6, 2018. His itinerary included a trip to Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve (FNNR) to discuss next steps in the collaboration with FNNR leaders and staff; he also brought back the camera trapping data. Dr. An also stayed in Beijing, discussing a paper with his coauthors; he visited friends and family members during the trip.
- January 30, 2018: Dr. Li An went to University of Southern California and attended a 2-day workshop "Geospatial Software: Connecting Big Data with Geospatial Discovery and Innovation". This was a workshop sponsored by National Science Foundation. Dr. An presented a lightning talk titled "Meeting Grand Challenges in Complex Systems through ABM Software Development".