
Ongoing projects

NSF Project in China ~ CNH-L: People, Place, and Payments in Complex Human-Environment Systems (2018-2024, PI: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $1,450,000 (Here the NSF website for this award).

Completed projects

NIH R01 Project in New York ~ Assessment of policies/programs through prediction of long-term effects on cardiovascular disease using simulation (APPLE CDS) (2018-2022; PI: Dr. Yan Li; Consultant: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $3,150,000.

NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship ~ Mapping and Modeling the Invasion of Mikania Micrantha in the Chitwan Community Forests, Nepal: A Coupled Human and Natural Systems Approach (17-EARTH17F-337; 2017-2019, PI: Jie Dai, PhD candidate; Faculty advisor: Dr. Li An). Total budget:$84,612.

NSF GSS/MMS Project ~ ABM’17: The Usefulness, Uselessness, and Impending Tasks of Agent-Based Models in Social, Human-Environment, and Life Sciences (2016-2018, PI: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $94,996 (Here the NSF website for this award).

NSF CNH Project in China ~ Impacts of Ecosystem Service Payments in Coupled Natural and Human Systems (2012-2016, extended to 2017; PI: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $1,299,917.

NSF CNH Project in Nepal ~ Feedbacks between Human Community Dynamics and Socioecological Vulnerability in a Biodiversity Hotspot (2012-2016, extended to 2017; Co-PI: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $1,449,521.

NASA Urban Project in Ghana ~ The Urban Transition in Ghana and Its Relation to Land Cover and Land Use Change Through Analysis of Multi-scale and Multi-temporal Satellite Image Data (2012-2015, extended to 2016; Co-investigator: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $992,960.

NSF CDI Project ~ Mapping Cyberspace to Realspace: Visualizing and Understanding the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Diffusion of Ideas through the Semantic Web (2010-2014, extended to 2015; Senior Personnel: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $1,300,000.

NSF PIRE Project ~ Collaborative Research and Training in Social Context, Population Processes, and Environmental Change (2007-2012; Co-PI: Dr. Li An). Total budget secured: $2,500,000.

UGP Project ~ How Does Complexity Science Help? Preference, Place, and Promise in Disaster Alleviation (2005-2006; PI: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $9,857.

UGP Project ~ Sampling at What Scales? A Computational Simulation Approach (2008-2009; PI: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $9,654.

San Diego Zoo Project ~ Does Ecotourism Help Conserving the Nature? A Case Study of the Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, China. (2009; PI: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $1,100.

UGP project ~ Where Are the Golden Monkeys? A Predictive Habitat Analysis (2009-2010; PI: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $5,068.

MMBF Project ~ Documenting Impacts of Illegal Mining on the Guizhou Golden Monkey, Rhinopithecus brelichi, in Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, China (2010-2012; PI: Sarah Wandersee; Project Director: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $12,000.

NIH Health Project ~ Health, Poverty and Place: Modeling Inequalities In Accra Using RS and GIS (2007-2012; Collaborator: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $3,057,586.

Exemplar completed projects

  • NSF Project in China

    This project seeks to advance the understanding of the impact of payments for ecosystem services (PES), a global conservation approach that incentivizes users of essential natural resources to protect the related ecosystems.

  • NIH R01 Project in New York

    The goal of this project, is to compare the effects of food policies and programs on cardiovascular disease (CVD)-related outcomes and health care costs for adults.

  • NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship

    This project will evaluate the interactions and feedbacks in coupled human and natural systems, and how these interactions and feedbacks affect the invasion of an exotic plant species in the community forests.