Methodology: Geocomputation and Programming

When interpreting geocomputation, we consider it to be any type of (computer-based) calculation that follows a well-defined model, algorithm, or protocol. Due to the nature of our CHES analysis, our computational work is more of digital nature with both batch versus interactive mode. Most of our CHES analysis methods are more or less connected to computation, but we highlight computation and programming (writing executable computer programs to perform the related computation) due to its super importance as well as its several features we would like to bring forth here.

  1. Our computation uses a varying level of programming languages, from more basic ones such as C, C++, and Java, to somewhat more convenient, sophisticated (often with ease of use but more limitations) ones such as Swarm, RePast and Python, to very tailored ones such as Netlogo and 3DS Max.
  2. Our computation for statistical analysis entails R, SAS, MPlus, and in some instances, SPSS.
  3. We also aim to develop modules, libraries, and/or pseudo code for various modeling purposes. Examples are scattered at the sections for ABM and various statistical methods.

In March 2016, Dr. An led an invited proposal resubmission to National Science Foundation, which aims to strategically advance the science, technology, and application of agent-based models through collaboration of exceptional agent-based modelers and/or “users” of these models. View the abstract.



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