Methodology for CHES research
Our landscape representation and modeling framework intends to render improved understanding, envisioning, and planning of CHES. In the context of multiple complexity features such as high dimensionality, hierarchical structure, heterogeneity, nonlinear relationships, feedback, path dependence, emergence, equifinanlity, and multifinality, this framework contributes to harnessing (rather than ignoring or eliminating) CHES complexity such that innovative actions might be taken to steer the CHES under investigation in beneficial directions. Below is a list of exemplar methods we often rely on.
Spatial Agent-Based Modeling (ABM)
Space-Time Analysis
Statistical Methods
Social Survey
GIS and Remote Sensing
Camera Trapping and Occupancy Modeling
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Human-Landscape 4D Visualization
Geocomputation and Programming
As new methods, technologies, or projects emerge, our digital, 4-D holographic methodology will surely evolve and become more sophisticated. We keenly welcome more researchers and practitioners to join our endeavors. We believe that methodological explorations are not only useful, but also fun!