

NSF Project about PES Interaction ~ CNH-L: People, Place, and Payments in Complex Human-Environment Systems (Principle Investigator: An), 2018-2023. Total budget: $1,450,000 (Here the NSF website for this award).



NASA NESSF Project ~ Mapping and Modeling the Invasion of Mikania Micrantha in the Chitwan Community Forests, Nepal: A Coupled Human and Natural Systems Approach (Principle Investigator: Dai; Advisor: An), 2017-2019. Total budget: $84,612.


NIH R01 Project in New York ~ Assessment of policies/programs through prediction of long-term effects on cardiovascular disease using simulation (APPLE CDS) (2018-2022; PI: Dr. Yan Li; Consultant: Dr. Li An). Total budget: $3,150,000.


NSF Project about ABM ~ ABM’17: The Usefulness, Uselessness, and Impending Tasks of Agent-Based Models in Social, Human-Environment, and Life Sciences (Principle Investigator: An), 2016-2018. Total budget: $94,996 (Here the NSF website for this award).


NSF CNH Project in China ~ Impacts of Ecosystem Service Payments in Coupled Natural and Human Systems (Principle Investigator: An), 2012-2016 (extended to 2017). Total budget: $1,299,917.


NSF CNH Project in Nepal ~ Feedbacks between Human Community Dynamics and Socioecological Vulnerability in a Biodiversity Hotspot (Principle Investigator: Yabiku; Co-Principal Investigator: An, et al.), 2012-2016 (extended to 2017). Total budget: $1,449,521.


NASA LULCC Project ~ The Urban Transition in Ghana and Its Relation to Land Cover and Land Use Change Through Analysis of Multi-scale and Multi-temporal Satellite Image Data (Principle Investigator: Stow; Co-Investigator: An), 2012-2015 (extended to 2016). Total budget: $992,960.


NSF CDI Project ~ Mapping Cyberspace to Realspace: Visualizing and Understanding the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Global Diffusion of Ideas through the Semantic Web (Principle Investigator: Tsou; Senior Personnel: An), 2010-2014 (extended to 2015). Total budget: $1,300,000.


NIH Project ~ Health, Poverty, and Place: Modeling Inequalities in Accra Using RS and GIS (Principle Investigator: Weeks; Collaborator: An), 2007-2012. Total budget: $3,057,586.


SDSU UGP Project ~ Where Are the Golden Monkeys? A Predictive Habitat Analysis (PI: An), 2009-2010.


SDSU UGP Project ~ Sampling at What Scales? A Computational Simulation Approach (PI: An), 2008-2009.


SDSU UGP Project ~ How Does Complexity Science Help? Preference, Place, and Promise in Disaster Alleviation (PI: An), 2005-2006.


NSF PIRE Project ~ Collaborative Research and Training in Social Context, Population Processes, and Environmental Change (Principle Investigator: Axinn; Co-Principle Investigator: An), 2007-2012. Total budget secured: $2,500,000.