Geovisualizing, representing, analyzing, modeling, and simulating

Complex Human-Environment Systems (CHES)

for improved envisioning, understanding, and planning



Seeking a PhD student in human geography

PhD student assistantship in human geography and socioeconomics

A doctoral graduate student is sought to join an interdisciplinary project “CNH: Sustainability of Payments for Ecosystem Services in Coupled Natural and Human Systems”, which is newly funded by NSF’s Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program (PI: Dr. Li An). This PhD student assistantship position aims to investigate place attachment, a psychosocial and political dimension that is conducive to the sustainable livelihoods and perceived well-being of local villagers at Fanjingshan National Nature Reserve, China.   The student will perform qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis, contributing to the whole project by offering improved understanding about how place attachment may affect and be affected by human demography, livelihood decisions / activities, and the environment. Also the student will be involved in participatory mapping of local villagers’ resource collection activities.

Applicants should have strong interest or background in human and critical geography (a background in children, family and community geographies preferred), social demography or sociology, and related methodologies (skills in ethnography and survey methods required; econometrics preferred). Strong qualitative and quantitative skills, excellent interpersonal skills and writing capacity, and willingness to work under very different international and interdisciplinary contexts (e.g., work under variable topography or with people of varying background or culture) are desirable. Salaries and benefits are competitive. The ideal starting date will be the 2013 fall semester. The application materials must be received by February 1st, 2013.

Applicants should visit the SDSU Geography departmental website regarding our SDSU-UCSB joint doctoral program, and follow the instructions there. In addition to following the Department’s application procedure, interested individuals shall email the following materials to Dr. Aitken and Dr. An: (1) statement of professional goals, (2) resume (including contact information of at least three references), (3) transcripts, and (4) GRE scores (TOEFL scores for applicants whose native language is not English). Scanned copies or photocopies of transcripts and GRE/TOEFL scores are acceptable initially. Contact information:

Dr. Stuart C. Aitken,
Professor and Chair, Department of Geography,
Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Youth and Space (ISYS),
San Diego State University,
San Diego, CA 92182

Dr. Li An
Department of Geography
San Diego State University
San Diego, CA 92182-4493 Email:


